What is a Power Relay?
A power relay is a switch that uses an electromagnet to open or close a circuit. The basic design of a relay utilizes an electromagnet coil, an armature, a spring and one or more contacts. If the power relay is designed to…
Which Dryer Is Right For Me?
Needed not just to save time, but also to get “the right look”, pet grooming dryers are some of the most important pieces of equipment in a pet grooming salon. The decision of which to buy can be complicated. The type of…
What is CNC Machining?
The term CNC stands for 'computer numerical control', and the CNC machining definition is that it is a subtractive manufacturing process that typically employs computerized controls and machine tools to remove layers…
Why Should the Pharmaceutical Industry Use a Vibrating Screen?
If there is one industry that really needs hygienic and efficient processes it is the pharmaceutical industry. The approval of the use of any drug must follow strict biosafety protocols…
Top Garden Hand Tools That Every Gardener Should Have
Most backyard gardeners don’t need an entire shed full of tools to tend to their vegetable gardens—a few sturdy hand tools will do the trick! This is especially true if you garden in raised beds…